I am a very nice guy,sometimes i am a bit boring other times I take extremely stupid risks. My interestest include U.S and international politics,the stock market,reading(non fiction,politics,strategy,military history,classics),i like movies(Requiem for a dream is my favorite,virgin suicides,the killer,gattaca,great expectations) my greatest wish in life is never to cause harm to another,but it is an unrealistic dream. I just came out of a very bad relationship where i found out that the 1 person i loved the most was just using me and never loved me. I have always LOVED Romanian women,I find that they are the sexiest women on the planet. just so you know ,i do not dance and I hate most clubs,but i don't mind if you like them. I drink sometimes socially,but don't worry when i am drunk i am the friendliest drunk on the planet,and i do not drink often,i often go years without touching alchohol. I like smoking weed,but i can stop if its a problem for my mate.