I think its funny that this site requires a person to type into this box. As if someone could describe everything they are in this tiny little box. And if I try to describe myself in this tiny box it would only be a small caption of who I really am. Thus, limiting my possibilities and characteristics into a tiny box of compromised words. So if someone were to passbye and read this box it would not be accurate. It would only be a small part, if any, of who I truly am. I think this is exactly what is wrong with the world. We, as people, allow scripted requirements to control ourlives and outcomes. Such as this tiny box, which controlling my life by having this requirement. But in reality, this box and these words, mean very little. If by some small possiblity I was able to say everything I am and everything I want in a person.... if by some strange possiblity this was true....I would have more problems than just this tiny box.....