I'm twenty-one years old and live in the united state California. My name is Forest and I've never been to school so I'm a little odd, bare with me. I'm really into skill development and sharing, any skill I can think of I wouldn't mind having. It just feels like theres not enough time in the day:( But I still love trying:) So if you want to learn anything even something I don't know I'm down to help so lets give it a shot!!! I have a Crazy Bull Tarrier named Gus! And a cat, Jackie Chan! I'm looking for a babe thats into the same shtuph as me. Like running around all night and day climbing buildings and causing mischief while looking for opportunity to save random folks like a super hero! Or just chill out and do whatever:) like play video games, watch TV, practice skillz like gymnastics, nunchucks, juggling, art, singing, and jokes:D Im a big nerd in most senses exept I don't read or do math, but I do love intellectual conversation and video games I would be super fat if I wasn't so fit Lol! I'm also a ninja in every sence of exept I don't know ninjutsu or kill people;) But I can jump onto somthing as high as my shoulder and I one in punch like the devil:D and climb most any building you can point atxD I'm going on the television show american ninja warrior this summer to secure my status as a ninja, wish me luck!